Andra Coros

Most of my childhood and teenage life was revolving around struggling to learn German and pleasing my parents with the high grades in school. I found solace in the discipline, philosophy, and community I found at my martial arts classes, by losing myself in the reality and alter-ego built in the renowned World of Warcraft game, or excessively indulging in the fantasy world of Harry Potter. Living life unconsciously, on the surface, and almost totally oblivious to my true hearts’ desires, was the norm. I always considered struggle, the desire to achieve, the mockery of fantastical worlds, normal and never questioned them. In my teenage years, I experienced the heavy stigma around mental health in Romania, especially in my family, and could sense the general vibe around my community. I found myself lost and depressed with nobody to help me and no real option for healing my soul. 

The young adult years, so throughout my 20s, I was focused on becoming a successful and innovative growth hacker in Vienna. Whether driven by an unconscious ambition to make my parents proud, or my personal drive to work harder than anyone and achieve recognition and respect, I managed to create a certain name for myself. However, I was still lost and my soul was longing for something else. Something special. Which came in the form of a spiritual awakening in 2021. My life took a sudden turn after that and I currently find myself living in the lush jungle in Costa Rica planning a one-month RESET retreat, that would bring people the life transformation that they need, in order to remember their soul’s path and their mission in this life. 

Books by Andra Coros