Copyright Made Easy: How to Know, Exploit and Protect Your Rights

Robert Taylor

(in General Non-Fiction)

Creativity is a Gift; Why Give it Away?

A Book Every Creative Person Needs to Read

If you are an author, screenwriter, composer, songwriter, artist, filmmaker or photographer, you need to know about copyright. You want to share your work with the world. Yet you also want to be recognised and rewarded for it. 

Here’s What You Will Find Out: 

  • what copyright protects and what it doesn’t
  • how to stay in control of your copyrights
  • how to stop getting ripped off.

“Copyright made truly easy and a great read too, a must for content creators.”

Gail Renard – BAFTA winning screenwriter

Get Knowledge about Intellectual Property (IP)

Copyright Made Easy will introduce you to the world of copyright. It will explain:

  • Copyright’s place in Intellectual Property Law and how it differs from Trademarks, Patents and Design Rights
  • What works Copyright covers and the difference between Creative Works and Derivative Works  
  • How to know when a work is protected by Copyright.

The book is written for creatives and it doesn’t dwell on confusing laws or baffling legal judgments. It uses instead examples taken from real creative works using a language that is simple and you can relate to.

The book will unpack the meaning of concepts such as ‘originality’, ‘idea’ and ‘expression’ so you will not only understand them, you’ll become confident using them.

For example, you will get to know:

  • What rights you get with Copyright 
  • How long Copyright lasts
  • Who owns Copyright.

“Such an easy read, with good jargon-free examples. Love it! You end up feeling you know quite a lot about copyright.”

Barbara Hayes, CEO – Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society 

How to Make Money Using Copyright

Most creatives struggle to make a living from their work, despite pouring endless energy, skill and imagination into it. This is not fair.

Now, if you want to give it away, fair enough, do so. But understand what you are giving away and, most importantly, learn what to keep and how.

A Practical Resource

The book is filled with practical information, so you know: 

  • The difference between assignments and licences
  • How Option Agreements work and how to avoid signing a bad one
  • How to avoid your work being stolen – and how to work out when it has
  • When you can use other creative works in your own – and how much you can take.

You will also Find Out: 

  • Why infringement and plagiarism are not the same
  • The truth about Poor Man’s Copyright
  • Children and copyright. 

Each chapter is filled with real world examples to illustrate and uses jargon free language. Written by a media law solicitor who is also a TV screenwriter and producer,

Copyright Made Easy is a fun way to get to know your rights, how to use them wisely and, ultimately, how to exploit them. 

Get your copy now! 


From the Introduction

“In the beginning was the word and also, the painting, the song and the play. These things were valued, prized, encouraged and celebrated or even, ignored, rejected, banned and destroyed. It took quite a long time for them to be protected by law. The protection given to these things, and to those who create them, has come to be known as copyright.

This book is written for creators of works protected by copyright such as writers, artists, illustrators, composers, songwriters, filmmakers and photographers. If you are a creative person, you need to know about copyright. I will explain your rights, and help you understand how you can profit from your works and avoid giving them away, if you don’t want to.”

Trailer Coming Soon
  • Copyright made truly easy; a must for content creators. 5 stars
  • Such an easy read, with good jargon-free examples. Love it! 5 stars